Laura Bisgaard Krogh | Andreas Haubjerg
A Question of Honour

On a deserted road in Jutland, Denmark, there is a rather ordinary building with an unknown address. The authorities call it the “Safe House”. A closer look reveals surveillance cameras and tinted panes in the kitchen windows. This place is home to young women who have been exposed to threats, violence and oppression on the part of their families. Officially, these are “conflicts that arise within close family relationships and result from the perception that the family honour has been violated”. The residents of the Safe House have escaped arranged marriages, forced confinement and, occasionally, re-education trips to “home countries” they do not know. In extreme cases, girls who act against the family’s codes of behaviour face the threat of honour killing. At the Safe House, caught between fear and love for their families, they attempt to find their own identities and learn to live normal adolescent lives. The series “A Question of Honour” was created in collaboration with photojournalist Andreas Haubjerg.

  • Escape
  • Family
  • Identity
  • Loneliness
  • Women

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Photographers Laura Bisgaard Krogh und Andreas Haubjerg speak about their project A Question of Honor.

3 Questions
1. The door opener: Can you describe a formative moment in your career as visual journalists?

It has been an eye-opening experience to work together closely as photographers and as people. You constantly have another set of eyes to look at your story and that is a resource. You can support and help each other and reflect on the things you have seen and experienced together during the day. The collaboration on this story has broken down our traditional perception about how to be a press photographer or documentarist. Instead of seeing each other as competitors we see each other as an extension of the other person. We know that we are here with the same purpose.

2. The decisive moment: When did you first encounter your topic and why did you decide to cover it photographically?

Having spent the last year working on stories about at-risk children and teenagers, we were led to the story about honour-related violence against girls. The girls are living a protected life, on a secret address, that the world rarely hears about. Since we had experience with at-risk children, we were given access. We decided to tell the story, because it is a conflict where the girls oftentimes are stigmatised as victims. We wanted to explore how the girls find their own identity after a childhood filled with violence and negative social control.

3. The future: What could the visual journalism of the future be like?

Today we see a tendency towards more collaborations in journalism and photography. At the same time, the lines between genres in art and journalism are also becoming more blurred. We see this as two very positive phenomena because it means that we as storytellers have more tools and ways to tell a story. This does not mean the end of classic photojournalism. The new ways of working are not a replacement but more so an addition to the toolbox. We can now offer a wider perspective on the story. A great collaboration means that we are much stronger.

Curated by Anna Brauns und Anastasia Shvachko

© for all photos by the photographers
© for all videos Lumix Festival Hanover, if not indicated otherwise.

*1994 in Denmark
Laura Bisgaard Krogh lives in Aarhus, where she is studying at the Danish School of Media and Journalism. In 2018, she and her team won the Danish Picture of the Year Award as well as the College Photographer of the Year Award for their short documentary film about the relationship between a young woman with spasticity and her assistant.


Andreas Haubjerg is a Danish photojournalists, based in Aarhus and Copenhagen, Denmark. He studies Photojournalism at the Danish School of Media and Journalism. Through in-depth visual storytelling, he and Laura Bisgaard Krogh make personal stories on issues regarding human rights and living conditions with a focus on youth and identity. Their collaborative work shows a personal and rare view into the lives of at-risk children. Together they have created a personal visual language that shows the identity and story of their subjects.


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