Photo contest for pupils from Lower-Saxony

The Lower-Saxony federal institute for academic quality-development (NLQ) is organizing once again a photo contest for students, in cooperation with the LUMIX festival of the Hannover University. Through their participation, the students gain more awareness of the journalistic importance of photos and images. With the increasing number of photos flooding our social media feeds daily, a deeper examination of them is becoming more and more important. Therefore, the contest will take place through a medium highly frequented by students: Instagram.

How do I participate?

Easy: post a journalistic photograph on your personal Instagram account up to the 1st of June 2020, 23.59h. Please use the Hashtag #lumixschoolreporter and #stayathome. In case you don’t want to post the photograph publicly on our account, just create a new one for a student blog. A pre-existing student blog can, of course, be used by more than one student of the school participating, with one photograph each.

Photographs with a story!

We are not looking for funny pictures or poser-images but for photographs telling a story about how you cope with the Coronavirus at home. What does it mean for you to be at home? What has become important to you in these days – places, rituals, etc.? What is annoying about it? Surprising insights and ideas for other students are very welcome. Please put all the important information regarding the story of your photo in the caption. Don’t forget to put your name (Photo of: your name) and if other people are pictured (they need to agree of course), including their name.

Please keep all the safety rules in mind when taking the photographs!

Important information

With their application, the participants must ensure, that everybody pictured in the photos agrees with the publication of those photos. In the case of a minor shown in the photo, you need the agreement of the parents.

Protection of data privacy

In case of a nomination, the nominees will be contacted by the LUMIX Festival on Instagram. With further instructions on how to proceed. This will include the submission of all necessary information on the photographer and the photograph.

It is necessary to accept the data privacy statement if you wish to participate in the contest. You can withdraw your participation at any time by cancellation via email at schuelerwettbewerb@fotofestival-hannover.de. You can find the data protection notice here.

Your personal data will only be kept during the time of the contest and will be deleted afterwards. No transmission of the information to a third party or for own promotional purposes will take place.


Teilnahmeschluss ist Montag, der 01. Juni 2020 um 23:59 Uhr.

Teilnehmen können alle Schülerinnen und Schüler aus Niedersachsen.

Ein journalistische Foto, das eine Geschichte erzählt.

Das Foto muss bis zum 1. Juni 2020 um 23:59 Uhr auf einem Instagram Account mit den Hashtag #lumixschoolreporter gepostet werden.

Im Falle der Nominierung, sollte das Foto eine Dateigröße von mindestens 2400 Pixeln an der längeren Bildseite haben und muss im Dateinamen den Namen der Fotografin/des Fotografen tragen (Beispiel: MariaMustermann.jpg).

Mit ihrer Bewerbung versichern die Teilnehmer*innen des Wettbewerbs, dass alle abgebildeten Personen mit einer Veröffentlichung der Bilder einverstanden sind. Bei minderjährigen Personen muss das Einverständnis der Eltern vorliegen.

Die Teilnehmer*innen erklären sich damit einverstanden, dass ihre Fotografien auf dem LUMIX Festival für jungen Bildjournalismus ausgestellt werden. Über Art und Umfang der Präsentation entscheidet ein Team von Kuratorinnen und Kuratoren. Deren Entscheidungen sowie die Auswahl der Preisträger*innen durch eine Jury sind bindend.