19.06. 8pm CEST Picturing Islam Photojournalism about Islam in Germany

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The media coverage and photographic representation of Islam in Germany rarely reflects the religion’s multifaceted nature, nor does it provide an accurate depiction of the everyday lives of Muslims in Germany. This is highlighted in several studies researching the image of Islam in today’s media. Notably, photographs have a special status in this context. As visual stereotypes, photographs imprint the collective memory and thus influence ones’ (or society’s) perception of Islam. At this panel discussion various experts will present their assessments of the image of Islam as conveyed by photography, discuss what well-balanced visual coverage can look like, and recommend a course of action for photographers and editors.


Dr. Christine Horz, Faculty of Information Science and Communication Studies, TH Köln
Junus el-Naggar, Institute for Islamic Theology, University Osnabrück
Julius Matuschik, photographer and practice fellow at Akademie für Islam in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft
Nadja Masri, free picture editor and Head of the Ostkreuz Class ‘Picture Editing’
Moderation: Julia Ley, journalist and practice fellow at Akademie für Islam in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft

The images shown here should be understood as positive examples illustrating the topic of Islam and Muslims. They are taken from projects by different photographers.

Alexandra Polina: Aus der Serie „Alae von Bussin“.

Alexandra Polina: Aus der Serie „Alae von Bussin“.

Shirin Omran: Aus der Serie „Euromeislamme“.

Session was hosted by VII Photo.

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