24.06 9pm Lumix local: Goethe Exil Midsummer Screening


Already almost obligatory in the off-programme of the Lumix Festival, there will be a photo slideshow of the Hanoverian studio community Goethe Exil this year as well – albeit in a new form adapted to the current situation. The principle is simple and proven. Photographers are invited in advance to share their work with the curators of the studio, while the latter present their own favorites of contemporary photography in consultation with the authors. This fusion results in a slideshow that allows the viewer to immerse himself or herself in stories of documentary and conceptual photography for 45 minutes. In order to preserve the charm and feeling of a public event as much as possible, this year’s screening will not only be made available digitally, but also in various backyards of Hanover, accessible to residents from their windows or balconies.

On Wednesday, 24.06 9pm the Slideshow will be shown live on twitch.tv as well as on the Lumix Festivals Homepage.


Nick Ballon: ezekiel 36:36
Lloyd Aéreo Boliviano (LAB) is one of the world’s oldest surviving airlines. Founded in 1925, it has played an important role in many stages of the country’s history. Since its privatisation in 1994 the airline suffered from chronic mismanagement and corruption. Currently under threat of closure with its slowly cracking aircraft fleet, LAB continues to survive through the loyalty and faith of its remaining 180 unpaid staff members.

Instagram: @nickballon
Website: https://www.nickballon.com

Marwan Bassiouni – New Dutch Views
Between January 2018 and February 2019, swiss photographer Marwan Bassiouni traveled across the Netherlands and photographed Dutch landscapes through the windows of mosques. “I wanted to create an image that could offer a different perspective on Islam and on Muslim people.” Although these photographs may seem surreal they are actual views made from inside Dutch mosques.

Instagram: @marwan_bassiouni
Website: https://marwanbassiouni.com

Anna Kristina Bauer – No Woman No Kraj
Poland with its strong catholic believe, remains one of the few countries in Europe where abortion stays mostly illegal. While the right wing government is planning a toughening of abortion rights, thousands of women seek help in foreign countries- one of them being the neighboring Germany.

Instagram: @annakristinabauer
Website: http://www.annakristinabauer.com

Barbara Haas – Heritage
„Heritage“ visualises the dialectics of our generational heritage. Barbara Hess portraits the children of miners in front of the leftovers of potash mining in Germany and France. Past and future, heritage and heirs are being confronted. A food for thought to reflect on the topics of generational justice and the ethics of our future.

Instagram: @_barbarahaas
Website: https://barbarahaas.photography

Rafael Heygster and Helena Lea Manhartsberger – Corona Rhapsody
The two photographers asked themselves „Is this real life? Is this just fantasy?“ and started a journey through Germany during the Covid 19 Pandemic, searching for images that reflect their feelings toward this surreal state of reality.

Instagram: @rafahey @helena_manhartsberger
Website: https://www.rafael-heygster.com https://www.helena-manhartsberger.com/kontakt/

Hannes Jung- The Wolf is Present
Wolves almost became extinct in Germany in the past 200 years. Now that their numbers are rising again these animals are roaming the forests, meadows and villages, even scratching at the edges of larger cities. They rarely show up, though, and none have been aggressive towards humans since their return. Nevertheless people do fear the wolf. Why?

Instagram: @hannes.jung
Website: https://www.hannesjung.com

Victoria Jung – Birds of Passage
Since the catastrophe that occurred with Hurricane Katrina 15 years ago, New Orleans has been in a state of instability. The city is below sea level. It is rising, the land is sinking. The next impending disaster. Maybe that’s why those who don’t fit in the system anywhere else find a place there. Birds of passage in search of inspiration and fulfilment. All their energy and productivity flows into the here and now. In doing so, they create an unruly subculture.

Instagram: @victoria.jung_
Webseite: https://victoriajung.de/

Nerea Lakuntza – Hold Your Breath
At 8AM in the morning of April 1st, 2019, my phone rang : “Nerea come here! Come here immediately! Aita (Dad in Bask) is dying. He already kissed us goodbye. You need to come here as soon as you can.” So, I rushed to the airport and got on the first flight to Pamplona, hoping to see my father one last time. I arrived at the intensive care unit at 7AM and found him holding on to life, he was waiting for me. My father is suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) since 1996. For us the diagnosis started a tense time that lasts until today. An emotional rollercoaster ride filled with worries, fears and reborn hope.

Instagram: @nerea_lakuntza

Camille Lévêque – We Are Our Mountains
As a granddaughter of a political refugee, Camille Lévêque was brought up in an environment where the idea of memory itself was a sacred altar, archives became icons and cultural heritage a religion. Blending personal archive, images found in Erevan markets, video work and photographs taken in Armenia over the past five years, Camille narrates not only her story but one of a community trying to shape its future without being constantly pulled back by its heavy past and a diaspora paralyzed by melancholy.

Instagram: @thelivewildcollective
Website: https://camilleleveque.com/

Kai Löffelbein – COMMON DREAMS
“Recently a friend told me that it is a special with China. You are gone for a year, come back and China is disappeared. Instead there is a new country and that is called China again.”
The book project ‘Common Dreams’ deals with the social and economic change in China and focuses on China’s migrant workers, their work and life realities, their worries and dreams.

Instagram: @kai.loeffelbein
Webseite: https://kailoeffelbein.com

Zora J. Murff and Rana Young – Fade Like a Sigh
Together, Zora J Murff and Rana Young began mining their own family histories, exploring the void left by an absent parent. The images in Fade Like a Sigh reflect their dialogue of this shared experience. Using their personal small collections of family photographs and reinterpreting them through their own contemporary imagery, Murff and Young highlight the complicated relationship between photographic record and the fragmented and abstract nature of memory.

Instagram: @zorajmurff @rana.young
Website: http://www.zora-murff.com/ https://www.ranayoung.com/

Mike Osborne – Federal Triangle
Titled after a government complex wedged between the Capitol and the White House, Federal Triangle depicts Washington DC as a kind of bureaucratic Bermuda Triangle—an impenetrable place of mystery, danger, and disorientation.

Instagram: @_mike_osborne_
Website: https://mikeosborne.info/

Sara, Peter and Tobias – The Merge
The Merge is an in-depth investigation into artificial intelligence and robotics. Through a photographic exploration, the three danish photographers collectively examine the possibility that we might all live in a simulation. Could it be that our world is a construction, a created illusion? The Merge encourages a wider debate about the future of artificial intelligence and robotica.
The upcoming book The Merge by Sara, Peter & Tobias due to be published in November 2020 during Paris Photo.

Instagram: @sarapetertobias
Website: http://www.sarapetertobias.com/

Angelina Vernetti – Der Smile-Effekt- 60 Jahre Antibabypille
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the birth control pill, Angelina Vernetti approaches the topic from a variety of photographic angles. In dealing with scientists, activists, affected people, ecologists, opponents and advocates she creates studio and on location images. Did you know that gynecologists prescribe the pill to teenagers to fight skin blemishes? Did you know that with the design of the „Blister“ packaging and the suspension after 21 days, menstruation is being imitated?

Instagram: @angelina.vernetti
Website: https://www.angelinavernetti.de/

Mario Wezel- Vom Ende der Unsterblichkeit. Eins.
Who was I and could I eventually become someone else? What’s home and how do I create it? What remains of the intimate togetherness of two when there suddenly is another person? Photographs and diary entries document the inner monologue of the photographer during the first year of age of his daughter.

Instagram: @mariowezel
Website: http://www.mariowezel.com/