20.06. 12am CEST Gayatri Parameswaran and Felix Gaedtke (NowHere Media) Videointerview

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The duo comprising Gayatri Parameswaran and Felix Gaedtke of NowHere Media in Berlin are forging a new path in communicating documentary content. They use photogrammetry to measure spaces in order to create virtual-reality applications. For instance, this is the technology behind the project “Home After War”, in which viewers wear VR goggles to follow an Iraqi man who returns to his ruined hometown of Fallujah, where he is confronted with the danger of IEDs improvised explosive devices. In an Instagram interview and here on the website, the two authors give us a fascinating look into the world of virtual storytelling.

All Talks are free of charge. But you can make a donation for the festival. Any sum is welcome. Please donate.

*1984 in Freiburg, Germany
Felix Gaedtke lives in Berlin, where he works as a creative producer and video storyteller. He is a founding member of the NowHere storytelling studio, with which he and his colleague Gayatri Parameswaran want to create a space for voices that have hitherto gone unheard. Above all, Gaedtke is interested in the overlapping of various realities made possible with modern technologies such as VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality). His projects have been presented at the Venice International Film Festival, SXSW, the UN and HotDocs. www.nowheremedia.net

*1987 in Dombivli, India
Gayatri Parameswaran is a journalist who lives and works in Berlin. At the NowHere storytelling studio, which she founded with her colleague Felix Gaedtke, she uses VR and AR to address taboo subjects such as abortion, war and domestic violence. Her work has been presented at various events including the Venice International Film Festival, SXSW, the United Nations, HotDocs and the Zentrum für Kunst und Medien. In 2019, she won the title Best Use of Immersive Arts from SXSW. www.nowheremedia.net