24.06. 4pm CEST Pictures as Commodities? Felix Koltermann in conversation with Lars Bauernschmitt, Lena Mucha and Sabine Pallaske

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The conditions of the global picture market, which is organised according to capitalist principles, presents great challenges for journalistic photography. What this means in practice was discussed by Felix Koltermann in a live video talk with photojournalism professor Lars Bauernschmitt, photographer Lena Mucha and Sabine Pallaske, chair of the Mittelstandsgemeinschaft Foto-Marketing (MFM) organisation. The conversation examined whether, and under which economic parameters, photojournalistic work is still possible today, and to what extent the new framework conditions are changing visualisation strategies in journalism.

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Dr. Felix Koltermann (moderator) is a post-doc researcher at Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Before taking on this position, he worked as a research assistant and lecturer at the Institute for Media, Theatre and Popular Culture at the University of Hildesheim. In 2015 he completed his PhD at the University of Erfurt with a research study on photojournalism in Israel/Palestine. Koltermann has a degree in Photography from Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts and another in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Hamburg. His main research interests are photojournalism, picture editing, international photographic cultures, visual literacy and the contemporary photobook. He rounds out his academic work with writing as a freelance journalist. He is the founder of the Newsprint Photobook Collection.

Lena Mucha is a German photographer based in Berlin and Colombia. She works frequently with The New York Times. After graduating with a master’s degree in Social Anthropology and Political Science from the University of Cologne in 2011, she took up photography while she was working with various NGOs in Colombia. Her work focuses on stories related to human rights and gender aspects, as well as the often underreported social changes that take place within societies and ethnic groups. She works for clients such as National Geographic, GEO, The Washington Post, CNN, The Wall Street Journal, Der Spiegel, ZEIT, Médecins Sans Frontières and ICRC.

Sabine Pallaske

Sabine Pallaske has been chairman of the Mittelstandsvereinigung Foto-Marketing (MFM) organisation since June 2017. In 2015, after many years of working as managing director of the online digital picture agency F1, she founded Bildgerecht, her own consulting company specialized in licensing visual content. Pallaske holds a degree in Communication Design (Dipl-Ing.) from Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences; in 2016, she completed an extra-occupational master’s degree in Media Law at the JG University of Mainz.

Prof. Lars Bauernschmitt was born in Hamburg in 1963. He studied Communications Design at the Universität Gesamthochschule Essen (Folkwang Schule) and Economics at the FernUniversität Hagen. From 1993 until 2008, Lars Bauernschmitt was managing director of the VISUM photo agency. From 2001 until 2010, he was a member of the executive board of the Federal Association of Professional Picture Suppliers (BVPA); in 2003, he became chairman of the board. Since 2008, he has been a professor at Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts and spokesman of the Photojournalism and Documentary Photography programme since 2011. His areas of teaching and research are visual storytelling, multimedia narrative formats and the development of the global picture market. Moreover, he works as a lecturer at the University of Giessen and as a specialist author. His most recent publication is: Lars Bauernschmitt and Michael Ebert, Handbuch des Fotojournalismus, dpunkt Verlag Heidelberg, 2015. www.larsbauernschmitt.de and www.fotostudenten.de.