23.06. 8pm CEST Rafael Heygster and Helena Lea Manhartsberger Videointerview by Karen Fromm

Is this real life? “I feel like I’m in a mediocre apocalypse movie,” says Rafael Heygster. He and Helena Lea Manhartsberger, both part of the LUMIX competition, started a collaborative project to capture the surreal tensions of life during Covid-19. In an Instagram Live Talk at @lumixfestival they talk with Karen Fromm about their motivation, how they developed the story and how the blurring of the border between reality and fiction might be put into the picture.

Rafael Heygster and Helena Lea Manhartsberger in an interview with Karen Fromm on Instagram.

All Live Talks are free of charge. But you can make a donation for the festival. Any sum is welcome. Please donate.

rafael helena
The city parliament of Bremen meets in the exhibition halls. The Parilament Buiding is closed due renvation and the city hall is to small to keep the rules of distance. Each member of parliament has his own small table, which is set up at a minimum distance of 1.5 metres.

rafael helena
Policewomen of the cavalry squadron admonish three young men who were playing ball in a park. In Germany it is forbidden at this time to be in public with more than two people if you do not belong to a family living in the same household.

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Where usually trade fairs take place, treatment facilities were created for 500 Covid-19 patients. Until today it still not necessary to open the new bulidded infrastructure.

Rafael Heygster at Lumix Festival

Helena Lea Manhartsberger at Lumix Festival (Picture Series)

Helena-Lea-Manhartsberger at Lumix Festival (Digital Storytelling)