26.06. 11.30am CEST Newsprint Photobooks and the Documentary Image Video lecture by Felix Koltermann

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For many years, the printed daily newspaper represented the central publication setting for photojournalistic pictures. In contrast, the internet has now replaced the newspaper as a mass medium and led to a crisis in photojournalism. At the same time, however, changes in newspaper printing have made this technology and medium interesting for photojournalists and photographers. Therefore, between book printing and the mass product of the newspaper, a new niche has arisen with the newsprint photobook, a niche exploited by photographers, primarily for purposes of self-publishing. In the video lecture “Newsprint and the Documentary Image”, Felix Koltermann will present journalistic projects from his collection “Newsprint Photobook” that are devoted to the documentary image in its many different varieties. This includes publications by Beat Schweizer, Rob Hornstra&Arnold van Bruggen, Jason Larkin, Christopher Nunn, Unofficial Pictures, Giuseppe Andretta, BEYOND, Fotodoks and MYOP.

The Newsprint Photobook collection was established by communications scientist Felix Koltermann in 2014. The impulse came from a conference devoted to the subject of printed photography. In 2016, part of the collection was presented to the public for the first time as part of the “Über Bücher” exhibition hosted by the Buchlabor at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Since then, the exhibition collection has grown to around 500 pieces. New additions are presented on the Instagram channel @newsprintphotobook. Koltermann is currently working as a post-doc researcher at Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts on a project about picture-editorial office research.

All Lectures are free of charge. But you can make a donation for the festival. Any sum is welcome. Please donate.

Dr. Felix Koltermann (moderator) is a post-doc researcher at Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Before taking on this position, he worked as a research assistant and lecturer at the Institute for Media, Theatre and Popular Culture at the University of Hildesheim. In 2015 he completed his PhD at the University of Erfurt with a research study on photojournalism in Israel/Palestine. Koltermann has a degree in Photography from Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts and another in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Hamburg. His main research interests are photojournalism, picture editing, international photographic cultures, visual literacy and the contemporary photobook. He rounds out his academic work with writing as a freelance journalist. He is the founder of the Newsprint Photobook Collection.