Fri, 19.06.

Established patterns of behaviour and thinking determine and simplify not only our understanding of the world, but of everyday life as well. Categorising things lets us believe that we understand the world. For instance, we know that a bicycle has one set of handlebars and two wheels. However, this knowledge is not equal to a true understanding of the functioning of a bicycle. It merely keeps us, every time we see a bicycle, from having to consider how it is used. We devise templates; these can be problematic as well as practical. Similar processes take place at the interpersonal level as well: we categorise people and stereotypes arise. These reduce people and groups to characteristics and behaviours that are seldom true and never reflect the entire reality. They generalise and create an image of the people concerned. This is how they deprive us of the possibility for unbiased encounters. But how do stereotypes arise? How do they become visible in the medium of photography? How can we handle them, and perhaps even dismantle them? At the beginning of the first digital Lumix Festival, we will focus on stereotypes in photography. This diverse programme will concentrate on the image of women in China and a rugby team in Berlin. Moreover, we will host a LIVE Talk about how Islam is depicted in visual journalism in Germany.


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Live Talk moderated by Christin Müller and Sonja Palade Laura El-Tantawy

Within the framework of our topic of the day focussing on ‘Stereotypes’ Laura El-Tantawy undertakes a journey through her relationship with photography, from her early start as a newspaper photographer in the US to where she sees her work in the future.

Session hosted by VII Photo.

All Live Talks are free of charge. But you can make a donation for the festival. Any sum is welcome. Donate here.


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Photojournalism about Islam in Germany Picturing Islam

The media coverage and photographic representation of Islam in Germany rarely reflects the religion’s multifaceted nature, nor does it provide an accurate depiction of the everyday lives of Muslims in Germany. This is highlighted in several studies researching the image of Islam in today’s media. Notably, photographs have a special status in this context. As visual stereotypes, photographs imprint the collective memory and thus influence one’s (or society’s) perception of Islam. At this panel discussion various experts will present their assessments of the image of Islam as conveyed by photography, discuss what well-balanced visual coverage can look like, and recommend a course of action for photographers and editors. In cooperation with Akademie für Islam in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft (AIWG) and Cameo Kollektiv e. V.

Dr. Christine Horz, Institute for Media Studies, Ruhr University Bochum
Junus el-Naggar, Institute for Islamic Theology, University Osnabrück
Julius Matuschik, photographer and practice fellow at Akademie für Islam in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft
Nadja Masri, free picture editor and Head of the Ostkreuz Class ‘Picture Editing’
Julia Ley
, journalist and practice fellow at Akademie für Islam in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft

Session hosted by VII Photo.

All Live Talks are free of charge. But you can make a donation for the festival. Any sum is welcome. Donate here.

Podcast (in German) A Conversation with Patricia Kühfuss and Fabian Fiechter

Jan Nasemann talks to photographer Patricia Kühfuss and photographer and nurse Fabian Fiechter about stereotypes in photography and nursing.